In the competitive world of automotive businesses, finding ways to save money and increase profitability is crucial. One area where businesses can make significant savings is in their merchant services, specifically through the use of interchange plus pricing. This comprehensive guide will delve into the intricacies of interchange plus pricing and how it can benefit automotive businesses.

What is Interchange Plus Pricing and How Does it Work?

Interchange plus pricing is a transparent and cost-effective pricing model for merchant services. Unlike other pricing models, such as tiered or flat-rate pricing, interchange plus pricing separates the interchange fees set by card networks from the markup charged by the payment processor. This allows businesses to see exactly how much they are paying for each transaction and ensures that they are not overpaying for their merchant services.

The interchange fees are set by the card networks, such as Visa and Mastercard, and are non-negotiable. They are based on various factors, including the type of card used, the transaction volume, and the risk associated with the transaction. The payment processor’s markup, on the other hand, is negotiable and can vary from provider to provider.

Advantages of Interchange Plus Pricing for Automotive Businesses

Interchange Plus Pricing is a popular pricing model in the payment processing industry. It can offer significant benefits to automotive businesses, enhancing transparency, cost-effectiveness, and overall financial management. Below, we explore the advantages of this pricing model in detail.

  1. Transparency: One of the key advantages of interchange plus pricing is its transparency. With this pricing model, automotive businesses can see exactly how much they are paying for each transaction, including the interchange fees and the markup charged by the payment processor. This transparency allows businesses to make informed decisions about their merchant services and ensures that they are not being overcharged.
  2. Cost Savings: Interchange plus pricing can lead to significant cost savings for automotive businesses. By separating the interchange fees from the markup, businesses have the opportunity to negotiate a lower markup with their payment processor. This can result in lower overall processing costs and increased profitability.
  3. Flexibility: Interchange plus pricing offers businesses flexibility in choosing their payment processor. Since the interchange fees are non-negotiable, businesses can focus on finding a payment processor that offers competitive markups and excellent service. This flexibility allows businesses to tailor their merchant services to their specific needs and budget.
  4. Predictability: With interchange plus pricing, businesses have a clear understanding of their processing costs. Since the interchange fees are set by the card networks and the markup is transparent, businesses can accurately predict their processing costs and budget accordingly. This predictability is especially beneficial for automotive businesses with high transaction volumes.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Interchange Plus Pricing Provider

When choosing an interchange plus pricing provider for their merchant services, automotive businesses should consider several factors to ensure they are getting the best value for their money.

  1. Pricing Structure: While interchange plus pricing is generally more cost-effective than other pricing models, the specific pricing structure can vary from provider to provider. Automotive businesses should carefully review the pricing structure and ensure that it aligns with their transaction volume and business needs.
  2. Customer Support: Excellent customer support is crucial when it comes to merchant services. Automotive businesses should choose a provider that offers 24/7 customer support and has a reputation for resolving issues quickly and efficiently. This ensures that any payment processing issues are addressed promptly, minimizing disruptions to the business.
  3. Integration Options: Automotive businesses often rely on various software and systems to manage their operations. When choosing an interchange plus pricing provider, businesses should consider the integration options available. The provider should be able to seamlessly integrate with the business’s existing systems, such as point-of-sale software or online booking platforms.
  4. Security Measures: Security is of utmost importance when it comes to processing payments. Automotive businesses should choose a provider that offers robust security measures, such as encryption and tokenization, to protect customer data and prevent fraud. Additionally, the provider should be compliant with industry standards, such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

How Interchange Plus Pricing Can Help Automotive Businesses Save Money

Interchange plus pricing can help automotive businesses save money in several ways, ultimately increasing their profitability.

  1. Lower Markup: By separating the interchange fees from the markup, automotive businesses have the opportunity to negotiate a lower markup with their payment processor. This can result in significant cost savings, especially for businesses with high transaction volumes. For example, a reduction of just 0.1% in the markup can translate to substantial savings over time.
  2. Reduced Processing Costs: With interchange plus pricing, businesses have a clear understanding of their processing costs. This allows them to identify any unnecessary fees or charges and take steps to reduce them. For example, businesses can review their transaction patterns and adjust their payment processing methods to minimize the number of transactions that incur higher interchange fees.
  3. Avoidance of Hidden Fees: Some payment processors may include hidden fees in their pricing models, which can quickly add up and eat into a business’s profits. Interchange plus pricing eliminates the risk of hidden fees since businesses can see exactly how much they are paying for each transaction. This transparency allows businesses to identify and address any unexpected charges promptly.
  4. Improved Cash Flow: Interchange plus pricing can also improve a business’s cash flow. With predictable processing costs, businesses can accurately forecast their expenses and budget accordingly. This allows them to better manage their cash flow and allocate resources to other areas of the business, such as marketing or inventory management.

Common Misconceptions about Interchange Plus Pricing in the Automotive Industry

Despite its numerous benefits, there are some common misconceptions about interchange plus pricing in the automotive industry. Let’s address these misconceptions and provide clarity.

Misconception 1: Interchange plus pricing is only suitable for large automotive businesses.

Fact: Interchange plus pricing is suitable for businesses of all sizes, including small and medium-sized automotive businesses. In fact, smaller businesses can benefit even more from interchange plus pricing as they often have higher markups in other pricing models. By switching to interchange plus pricing, small and medium-sized automotive businesses can reduce their processing costs and increase their profitability.

Misconception 2: Interchange plus pricing is too complicated to understand.

Fact: While interchange plus pricing may seem complex at first, it is actually a transparent and straightforward pricing model. With interchange plus pricing, businesses can see exactly how much they are paying for each transaction, including the interchange fees and the markup charged by the payment processor. This transparency allows businesses to make informed decisions about their merchant services and ensures that they are not being overcharged.

Misconception 3: Interchange plus pricing providers offer the same markups.

Fact: Interchange plus pricing providers can offer different markups, and it is essential for automotive businesses to compare and negotiate the best rates. Businesses should carefully review the pricing structure of different providers and choose the one that offers competitive markups and excellent service. By doing so, businesses can maximize their cost savings and ensure they are getting the best value for their money.

Frequently Asked Questions about Interchange Plus Pricing for Automotive Businesses

Q.1: What is the difference between interchange fees and markups in interchange plus pricing?

In interchange plus pricing, interchange fees are set by the card networks and are non-negotiable. They are based on various factors, such as the type of card used and the risk associated with the transaction. Markups, on the other hand, are charged by the payment processor and are negotiable. Markups can vary from provider to provider and can significantly impact a business’s processing costs.

Q.2: How can automotive businesses negotiate lower markups with interchange plus pricing providers?

Automotive businesses can negotiate lower markups with interchange plus pricing providers by comparing different providers and their pricing structures. Businesses should request quotes from multiple providers and leverage these quotes to negotiate better rates. It is also essential to consider the provider’s reputation, customer support, and integration options when negotiating markups.

Q.3: Can interchange plus pricing help automotive businesses reduce chargebacks and fraud?

While interchange plus pricing itself does not directly reduce chargebacks and fraud, it can indirectly help automotive businesses mitigate these risks. By choosing a provider that offers robust security measures, such as encryption and tokenization, businesses can protect customer data and prevent fraud. Additionally, businesses should ensure that their payment processor is compliant with industry standards, such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

Q.4: Is interchange plus pricing suitable for automotive businesses that primarily operate online?

Yes, interchange plus pricing is suitable for automotive businesses that primarily operate online. In fact, online businesses can benefit even more from interchange plus pricing as they often have higher transaction volumes. By switching to interchange plus pricing, online automotive businesses can reduce their processing costs and increase their profitability.


In conclusion, interchange plus pricing is a transparent and cost-effective pricing model that can benefit automotive businesses in numerous ways. By separating the interchange fees from the markup, businesses can see exactly how much they are paying for each transaction and ensure that they are not overpaying for their merchant services. Interchange plus pricing offers transparency, cost savings, flexibility, and predictability, making it an ideal choice for automotive businesses.