Merchant Category Codes (MCCs) are four-digit numbers assigned to businesses by credit card companies to categorize the type of products or services they offer. These codes play a crucial role in the payment processing industry as they help determine the interchange fees that merchants pay for each transaction. For automotive businesses, having the correct MCCs is essential to ensure accurate categorization and avoid unnecessary fees.

Understanding the Importance of Correct MCCs for Automotive Businesses

Having the correct MCCs for automotive businesses is vital for several reasons. Firstly, it helps credit card companies and payment processors accurately classify transactions, ensuring that the appropriate interchange fees are charged. This ensures fairness and transparency in the payment processing system.

Secondly, correct MCCs enable automotive businesses to access specific benefits and incentives offered by credit card companies. For example, some credit card companies may offer special rewards or cashback programs for transactions made at automotive businesses. By having the correct MCCs, these businesses can take advantage of such offers and attract more customers.

Furthermore, accurate MCCs help automotive businesses track and analyze their sales data more effectively. By categorizing transactions correctly, businesses can gain valuable insights into their customer preferences, spending patterns, and overall performance. This information can then be used to make informed business decisions and improve profitability.

How MCCs are Assigned and Managed

MCCs are assigned and managed by credit card companies, such as Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. These companies have established guidelines and criteria for assigning MCCs to businesses based on their primary line of business. The process typically involves merchants providing detailed information about their products or services to the credit card company, which then assigns the appropriate MCC.

Once assigned, merchants are responsible for ensuring that their MCCs accurately reflect their business activities. If a business expands or changes its primary line of business, it is essential to update the MCC accordingly. Failure to do so can result in misclassification, leading to incorrect interchange fees and missed opportunities for benefits and incentives.

Common MCCs for Automotive Sales and Dealerships

Automotive sales and dealerships typically fall under the MCC category 5511. This code is used for businesses primarily engaged in the retail sale of new and used automobiles, including passenger cars, trucks, and recreational vehicles. It also includes businesses that sell automotive parts and accessories.

Within the 5511 category, there are further subcategories that provide more specific classifications for different types of automotive sales and dealerships. For example, MCC 5511-01 is used for new car dealerships, while MCC 5511-02 is used for used car dealerships. These subcategories help credit card companies and payment processors differentiate between different types of automotive businesses and apply the appropriate interchange fees.

MCCs for Automotive Repair and Maintenance Services

Automotive repair and maintenance services are categorized under MCC 7538. This code is used for businesses primarily engaged in providing repair and maintenance services for automobiles, including mechanical repairs, bodywork, painting, and other related services.

It is important for automotive repair and maintenance businesses to ensure that their MCC accurately reflects the nature of their services. For example, if a business also offers tire sales or oil changes, it may need to have additional MCCs assigned to cover these specific activities. This ensures that transactions are properly categorized and interchange fees are applied correctly.

MCCs for Automotive Parts and Accessories Retailers

Businesses primarily engaged in the retail sale of automotive parts and accessories are categorized under MCC 5533. This code covers a wide range of businesses, including auto parts stores, tire retailers, and specialty shops that sell accessories such as car audio systems, performance parts, and customizations.

Within the 5533 category, there are subcategories that provide more specific classifications for different types of automotive parts and accessories retailers. For example, MCC 5533-01 is used for general auto parts stores, while MCC 5533-02 is used for tire retailers. These subcategories help credit card companies and payment processors accurately categorize transactions and apply the appropriate interchange fees.

MCCs for Automotive Rental and Leasing Services

Automotive rental and leasing services are categorized under MCC 7512. This code is used for businesses primarily engaged in renting or leasing automobiles, including passenger cars, trucks, and recreational vehicles, for short-term or long-term periods.

Within the 7512 category, there are subcategories that provide more specific classifications for different types of automotive rental and leasing services. For example, MCC 7512-01 is used for car rental agencies, while MCC 7512-02 is used for truck rental agencies. These subcategories help credit card companies and payment processors accurately categorize transactions and apply the appropriate interchange fees.

MCCs for Automotive Insurance Providers

Automotive insurance providers are categorized under MCC 6300. This code is used for businesses primarily engaged in providing insurance coverage for automobiles, including liability insurance, collision insurance, and comprehensive insurance.

It is important for automotive insurance providers to ensure that their MCC accurately reflects their primary line of business. This ensures that transactions are properly categorized and interchange fees are applied correctly. Additionally, having the correct MCC allows insurance providers to access specific benefits and incentives offered by credit card companies, such as special rewards or cashback programs for insurance-related transactions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about MCCs for Automotive Businesses

Q.1: What happens if an automotive business has an incorrect MCC assigned?

If an automotive business has an incorrect MCC assigned, it can result in misclassification of transactions and incorrect interchange fees. This can lead to financial losses for the business and missed opportunities for benefits and incentives offered by credit card companies.

Q.2: Can an automotive business have multiple MCCs assigned?

Yes, an automotive business can have multiple MCCs assigned if it engages in different types of activities. For example, a business that sells automotive parts and also provides repair services may need to have separate MCCs assigned for each activity.

Q.3: How can an automotive business update its MCC?

To update its MCC, an automotive business needs to contact the credit card company that assigned the MCC and provide detailed information about any changes in its primary line of business. The credit card company will then review the information and assign the appropriate MCC.

Q.4: Are there any penalties for having an incorrect MCC assigned?

While there are no specific penalties for having an incorrect MCC assigned, it can result in financial losses for the business due to misclassification of transactions and incorrect interchange fees. It is therefore important for automotive businesses to ensure that their MCC accurately reflects their primary line of business.

Q.5: Can an automotive business change its MCC if it expands or changes its primary line of business?

Yes, an automotive business can change its MCC if it expands or changes its primary line of business. It is important to update the MCC to ensure accurate categorization of transactions and avoid unnecessary fees.


Having the correct Merchant Category Codes (MCCs) is crucial for automotive businesses to ensure accurate categorization of transactions, access specific benefits and incentives, and track sales data effectively. By understanding the importance of correct MCCs and how they are assigned and managed, automotive businesses can ensure fair and transparent payment processing, optimize profitability, and provide a seamless experience for their customers. It is essential for automotive businesses to review and update their MCCs as needed to reflect any changes in their primary line of business and avoid unnecessary fees or missed opportunities.